Blog Reissue time!!! No mood to blog abt things so juz reissue!!!From my 19/10/2006 post, "DEATH NOTE!"OMG!!! The DEATH NOTE movie is GOOD man!!! =) Juz watched it at jp with me & myself...the main characters inside, Light & 'L' are so damn cool...esp 'L', he juz keeps eating candies, chocs, marshmallows, puddings, super-sweet dunno wat drinks and yet still remain so skeletal O_o How i wish I can be like him! Eat all I wan without ever having to worry abt my weight! Wat the #$^&@!!!! Anyway, e movie's really rather clever...or if it follows e manga strictly, then I muz say e manga is e clever one...e way 'L' slowly tracks down Light is juz amazing...his strain of thot and rationale...only part I dun like is when he made use of distributions to prove tt e deaths r all of unnatural causes...Bleah! I hate statistics! Haha...if only I had tt kind of IQ...I dun haf to go to lects/tuts again...EVER! =p好久没自己一个人看戏了...感觉还不错...只是从戏院里走出来后, 有那么一点点的失落感...一点点的不知所措...一点点的何去何从...本来想搭198号巴士回家的, 但时间不早了...最后还是搭了地铁...如果有时间的话, 我肯定会选择旅程较远的巴士...不知为什么, 我特别喜欢晚上搭巴士时, 看着窗外的夜色, 路上的人群...让人有放松心情的作用...仿佛这城市喧哗, 急促的脚步...暂时慢了下来, 而我也能一个人静静的享受这悠闲的时刻