Opened up another of my prized collections few days back...all to prepare for my upcoming display cabinet...I present to you,
Fansproject DIA Commander with G3 Trailer!
=)Henkei Optimus Prime...e only official transformers toy in dis

With e Fansproject G3 my opinion, e best trailer made for prime...takara couldn't haf done a better job...Fansproject nails it again...

DIA commander trailer...based on e original ultra magnus trailer...I added e autobot insignia on it...

Extra long trailer when everything comes together...

Prime is damn happy with his add-ons...

G3 trailer base attack mode...with little rollar accompanying him...

Powers up to DIA Commander!

His gun is as big as his

G3 trailer base repair mode...I'd most probably display it dis way in my cabinet...