Latest alternity update...repaint of Nissan GTR Optimus into Ultra Magnus!
I tink its e nicest repaint so far...depending on e price...I might get two =p
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Something flew from Japan to my house today...haha...its fix figuration Shin Musha Gundam!!!=)
Hobbylink Japan is having like a clearance sale on some of the gundam I got this for only abt SGD40(plus shipping)...very cheap...only abt half of its retail price here...
Dun worry, I still prefer making my own gundam this pre-painted kit only bcoz its cheap & I happen to like Shin Musha Gundam...
It has 2 modes with different armour...Musha Gundam &Shin Musha Gundam...needless to say, i'll put it in Shin Musha mode...hehe...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
damn funny! hahaha...=)
Friday, March 19, 2010
OO Gundam Seven Swords completed! Its a really great mold...very detailed despite its small size...
Obvious why he's called seven swords...
Loaded up...
GN Sword II blaster gun mode & GN Buster Sword shield mode...
GN Sword II blaster sword mode...
GN Beam Saber...
GN Buster Sword sword mode...
GN Sword II Short & GN Sword II Long...
GN Katar...
Close-up shot...
Fighting Reborns Gundam...
I noe I suck at striking fighting
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My first model kit of the holidays...could haf been completed earlier if I hadn't fallen sick...Reborns Gundam...ass-whopping bad guy from OO series... =)
e final boss of OO gundam season 2 is not be trifled with...
I painted the thrusters silver...hehe...
his back view is quite menacing too..
dunno why I always find e bad guys nicer... =p
Everyone has a beam saber...
"Watcha looking at?"
Close-up shot...
WIP: OO Gundam Seven Swords...joining him for an epic battle soon! stay tuned!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Latest update on Armored Core kit...1/72 Mirage C02-Uranus Marvelous Ver (¥5040) ...its a limited run...hope its available in sg w/o too much trouble... =)
Friday, March 12, 2010
It is here! Im gonna be really busy dis march holidays... =)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I cant wait for May 7th =)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Saw dis pic on e web...super duper cute!
Im sure dis pic brings a smile to everyone who sees it... =)