This has got to be the best optical illusion ever! Look at the cars...

Take a ruler and measure them off ur screen...they are all actually e same size... =)
It's really quite a touching show as I teared a little during e ending 'tomatoes' scene(watch & u'll noe wad Im toking abt)...e pace is a little bit slow but its not draggy...I do recommend dis show but personally for purely entertainment value's sake, I tink Salt is better...
I watched a lot of movies dis week...practically caught a show everyday except tues & thurs...
Sunday - Salt
Monday - The Last Airbender
Tues - Break
Wednesday - Aftershock
Thurs - Break
Friday - Liar Game
One of e reasons why I watch so many movies is oso bcoz I've been wanting to catch e trailer of Resident Evil: Afterlife on e big screen...
I can't wait for 9th Sept to come... =)