Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dark Knight

Watched Dark Knight yest at Cineleisure...Super GOOD show! e best superhero movie I watched so far...spiderman bites dust! beat spidey at the box office too anyway...well, Heath Ledger as the Joker is juz amazing...his acting is 没话说...pity we wun get to see him again in e next installment...sadded...highly recommended show... 5 STARS!!! =)

Went to JB today with BFG...ate Soon Huat Bak Ku Tey as usual...but dis time we went to a 分行...I find e food juz as nice as e main branch but 塞塞 say e soup tastes different...dunno lah...haha...

After lunch we went to RedBox! JB's version of student package oso...but e price is juz amazing...picture dis, we sang for 5 hrs...had 2 drinks each...e usual titbits...and it amounted to only SGD$5 each! OMG! Can u believe it? SGD$5! tt is like SGD$1 per hr! JB is a gd place man! if only e crime rate isn't so

After tt we went to eat seafood for dinner! Super cheap seafood too! We had butter crayfish(my fav), chilli crab, steamed grouper, chilli 'lala', oats prawns & 'Kai Lan' amounted to abt SGD$18 each! Really cheap considering e sumptuous food we ate! Yum Yum! super full lor!

Got a little surprise when i reached home at 11plus juz nw...a gigantic package is waiting for me on my desk...wad could it be? (actually I more or less noe wad it is le)

Its my Titanium Starscream & Megatron! Woohoo! I got them real cheap at ard USD$35 after shipping...a great bargain considering tt titanium sets r now selling for abt SGD$60 each in singapore...u do e math =)

P/S: When we were riding bus 170 back to kranji mrt from JB, saw something real interesting at the rear seats of the bus...there was an used condom on the corner seat! Haha...apparently a couple had some 'fun' at e back of bus...wanted to take a pic but too crowded on e chance...wonder if its msians or singaporeans who did hope its e latter... =p

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