Every year's campfire will follow the tradition of lighting up the letters YVIP perched on a high grill b4 letting the flame burn a connecting rope which will cascade down to set ablaze the campfire...real nice! =)
Its nt my hp camera's fault...tink they put too much keresone/cloth...the letters aren't very visible...lol...

The flaming rope travelling down the line...

And into the campfire!!!

It was really nice catching up with them..some I haven seen in 4-5 years @_@ I really love the YV atmosphere...where everyone is so nice & caring, where there is no stress(at least for me), where no one has any hidden agenda, where everyone treats everyone with their 真心...there is no substitute for YV...not in a million years... =)
B4 we left, we sang together the YV song which will forever touch our hearts & tt we all know so well of...
We come from different places, hail from different parts
We wear our different faces, but we're joined at our hearts
All around us are our friends, see through thick and thin
Though obstacles may never end, we know we'll surely win
Chorus(hand signs)
For this is how we sing our song
Sing it bright and sing it strong
For though we are young, we stand up tall
Heart to heart, we'll never fall
If we can give a little love, spread some joy, show we care
Till to this end that we serve, this belief that we share
Repeat Chorus
Lets join our hands and we will try
Spread our wings and we can fly
Repeat Chorus
I shall end this post with something which I'll rem always in my heart...by our 终生成就奖 Vick...an amazing volunteer who gave his all for YV...
"The day I stop volunteering, will be the day when I give a smile and leave this world..."
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