Juz like my Biz Law module in yr1, I enjoyed every bit of the discussions & debates during class...Biz Law was the only module in my whole NTU life that I never pon a single lesson! Wahaha! =p
And it is oso the only module which Im motivated enuff to read the readings & precedent cases given...even though the handouts was like 68 pages long! lol...I had even binded the handouts...simply too thick... =)
One of my fav drama serials when I was a kid was《一号皇庭》, I loved the way the lawyers debated & presented their findings in court...I was so mesmerized that at one point of time, I had wanted to grow up to be a lawyer...if you ignore e fact tt I wanted to be a ninja turtle & Eric Cantona too...lol (^^,)

I had actually considered NUS law sch but my 'A' level results too chui...even though I had gotten A2 for my GP...nt much use oso I guess as the law students there prob got A1 for GP...lol...Maybe I should haf been more optimistic and had at least gone for the essay test required...nv expect myself to like law stuff so much...
如果不打开, 你永远都不会知道里头有多少钱...
打开之后, 或许你会嫌钱少而失望...
但至少你知道钱的数目, 离你想要的有多远...
而那时钱有多少已经不重要了, 因为遗憾将会更加的昂贵...
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