Final Destination 4 really sucks! wasted 13 bucks watching it in 3D...Damn! e subtle, ubiquitous hints of death prevalent in all 3 previous instalments are now all obvious, in-ur-face visions of e protagonist...I loved those hints tt kept e audience wondering how e next super-suay victim is gonna die...sometimes u'd haf to be really observant to get e all e suspense & thrill is ruined! not 2 mention e super preditable plot & e lack of new, creative ways of inflicting a nutshell, dun waste ur $$$...mine could haf been better spent buying more gundam markers/paint... =(
Enuff of e rambling...back to happy things...Haul of e day!

Damage done : $200++
Now I have 3 big model kits unassembled...postponing them coz of e lack of display space...will get them nice new homes soon...using my first pay...Muahahahah!!! =p
P/S: pertaining to my last entry...I've decided on STRIKE NOIR! =)
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