First time Im applying e custom transformers stickers by reprolabels...used it on my WST devastator set... =)Top pic is with the 3rd party stickers...dun even haf a decent decepticon logo...btm is after applying reprolabels' stickers...tink nd to zoom closer to see e difference...I =p
Left is devastator with e ko stickers...right is the reprolabels' version...if u noe G1 devastator's stickers application, e one on e right is the accurate one...hehe...
Been looking high & low for dis...e latest gundam standart series(no assembly required, phew!) featuring Unicorn Gundam! Saw it at CSC...grabbed it at $2 cheaper than retail...i love dis mold...
Couldnt resist Masterpiece King Grimlock in e end...even though he is pretty pricey...anyway, i got him at a price even lower than pre-order...only
$235!!! luck to those who got him at released price of

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