I wanted to review this toy which I bought in HK but I juz kept procrastinating it...
Dragonball Panorama World set! I've been looking for it in SG but its quite pricey at ard
$55-60...I got it in HK for only
half e price! HK's really a toys' heaven for collectors man...
I was so happy when I found it tucked at a secluded corner in a toy shop, buried by e huge rubble of toys...its quite hard to find as it was released abt a yr ago in July 2009...definitely one of my best buy in HK... =)When its closed up, its a 4-star dragon ball...u can display e mini figures on top with 神龙 in e middle...Nice!
e really cute mini figurines! haha...one of e reason why I love dis set...resembles my one-piece mini figures...
Top of e set is dis sky castle thingy...Im nt vv familiar with e full story...hehe...
On e right, we haf 龟仙人's house in e little island...if u all rem, dis is where 悟空 learned 龟派气功...
In e middle is dis tower which 悟空 climbs to train with dis immortal cat...Yiquan say one...lol...
On e left we haf a city where capsule corp. is...capsules in e dragonball story can turn into a myriad of things like vehicles, houses etc...super convenient...a little bit like Doraemon...
Next is my fav section of e toy...天下第一武道会! its e grounds where many great fights in e dragonball story took place...where many exponents from all over e universe gather to fight to be no.1 =)
Here it is displayed in all its glory...its a really great display to marvel at...with all e little details & cute figurines...only drawback would be tt it occupies quite a big space...space is a luxury I cannot afford at e moment... =p
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