Sunday, June 29, 2008
Would you rather....
Would you rather...
Lose memory of the last 5 years of your life OR the first 15 years...
Work long hrs & be able to support your family financially OR see them more but not able to support them financially...
Have a head twice as big OR a head twice as small...
Not able to answer any question OR not able to ask any question...
Be someone with questionable integrity OR lose your sense of humour...
Jump from a 100 feet platform into sofa cushions OR jump from a 100 feet platform into 95 feets of whipped cream...
The last one is damn funny lah! Hahaha...yiquan & me were laughing our heads off...
我对你好失望..我并不觉得有任何的借口能让你说出这样的话..真的伤透了我的心..希望你能知错, 能够珍惜那些珍惜你的人..
Friday, June 27, 2008
Weird gang...
Braart 师傅 & me walked ard PS awhile first...helping pookie look for her Ayumi dvd...but its nt available in sg too bad...went to Daiso to get something for pookie...we wanna give her a surprise in e morn...haha..bought a small wooden apple tablet for us to write our msg for pookie... =)
We went to e food court & ate e 'famous' Indo grilled chicken at e foodcourt...its not as nice as it used to be, as mama had pointed out...e chicken is not as tender as b4...well, most prob coz too many ppl queue for it le...they anyhow cook...bit disappointed =(
After which we walked to eat selegie 豆花...wad else rite? Lol...i always go there eat when im in douby ghaut area...last time meet Rachelle & Nuria oso eat was great juz crapping & eating 豆花...we even planned for our next meeting le... mama wans to go geylang eat e 油条大王 next that shall be our target for next gathering! yay! I oso vv long nv eat there le...e 油条 there is GOOD! Hope e standard vv drop...
I reached office earlier dis prepare for pookie's surprise...hehe...we bought her e soba sauce oso from Daiso...used e bottle to hang e apple tablet... glad tt she likes e little surprise...
GO Pookie GO! ( sacrificed 30 mins of my slp for dis k? =p)
P/S: Forgot to take pics of e weird gang again last week muz rem to take...muz rem...muz rem...muz rem...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lang's Braart
LO AND BEHOLD!!! There has been a rising trend of bra art in Singapore's High Tech Communications industry, specifically Xony Xricsson...what you see above is juz a prototype by our one & only Master of Braart, Chocolang 师父(her fingers r present in e pic)
Do not fret...not all braart products come in the same ultra mini size...e sample above is juz a personal collection of Chocolang 师父 it only fits her!!! Wahaha... Interested buyers can contact Chocolang 师父 at While Stocks Wun last!
(dis post is inspired by Sze Lang who keeps nagging at me to post e pic in my blog =p)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On top of that, it is a very touching drama...there were countless scenes when I was so touched by the love of parents, love of doctors portrayed in e show...I didn't feel like crying while watching "一公升眼泪", yet I was close to tears at times while watching " 医龙" ...maybe I am more in touch with my emotions now...compared to b4...which I dun really wan...haizzz...

Anyway, I am gonna start watching " 医龙2" !!! Hehe...interested peeps quickly go crunchyroll watch...b4 it is removed!!! Highly recommended show by BB!
(thkz to Tengz aka pookie intro " 医龙" to me)
Blog Reissues...
An excerpt from my 02-10-06 post " Arrgh!!!! "
"Ok...Quiz far will a NS guy go to get a whole week off from work? Ever watched SAW b4? " How much blood would you shed to get your off?" "Oh YES!!! There will be blood..." Lol...those who nv watch SAW wun understand wats going on...hehz...but anyway...i dun haf to go back to camp for e whole of next week...but there's a price to pay for it...i juz went for my wisdom tooth surgery this afternoon...had local anesthetic...meaning i was awake e whole time but i couldn't feel anything at all...which is a really gd thing coz i could hear drills and knives coming in and out of my mouth!!!!!
E doc said I'll only feel e pain abt 4-6 hrs after e surgery...and according to my many frens who haf gone thru e same traumatic experience as's gonna be damn painful...but guess wat? As I am writing dis blog, it has been almost 7 hrs since my surgery liao and still i feel nothing...sometimes i wish e pain will juz come and get it done and over with...rather than me sitting in front of my com now...wondering when will my face suddenly twist in a display of sheer agony from my gums...haiz =(
Waiting...anticipating...Oh yes, there'll be more BLOOD man!!!"
Listening to 让我爱你 now...I fall in love with e song each time I hear it... (^^,)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bangala for a day...
Din go for my weekly swim dis I haf to be a Bangala for Pig Pig today! Went to help her paint her new house together with my 2 was so tiring lor! I used to paint quite a lot during my navy days, as we haf to refurbish our small crafts everytime for inspection...but 今时不同往日, now really old her plaster e walls, paint a few coats...I was damn shagged alrdy! Dunno how I used to endure this torture everyday for almost 2 yrs man!
But I did not go thru all these for nothing k...Pig Pig treated us to 点心 in e morn! Behind her house got dis kopi-tiam with a really nice 点心 stall! e salad 炸虾球 is super nice! e Chee Cheong Fan oso! I can see myself eating there everytime I go find Pig Pig in e future...hehe =)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Losing myself...

Yay! I got my NIKE 7.0 Transformers today too! All 3 of them! Wahaha...they are 1:2 scale models of real NIKE Shoes, with real laces to tie! I oso like e fact that they come in NIKE shoes packaging...Cool rite? My most expensive set so far...pls contact me directly if u r curious abt the price...hehe...

Dun feel like myself again today...damn it...Im losing it again...Sometimes I really hate my own character...优柔寡断...难道我又要逃避吗?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Blog Reissues...
A small paragraph from my 02-06-2006 post "WU TI"...
"Oh well...nothing much happened anyway...juz tt i'm nearing my ORD date...still got abt a month more to go b4 I start clearing my leave...and abt less than 3 months b4 I can finally get my pink IC back!!! No more 3RD SERGEANT BB...back to the plain normal BB...hehz =)
But act serving NS really turns u from "Boys to Man"...not in the biological sense of it really widened my horizons...seen so much and heard so much during my service...things I dun tink I'll ever learn of if not for my NS stint...been to east malaysia, indonesia, australia, korea...I guess I can say tt my NS life has been rather fulfilling liao...though there r still a million things which I tink can be improved in e SAF...but oh well, nobody or nothing is as I've learned over e years..."
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
We walked to Balestier Road during lunch to eat & Ben intro Tengz & me to dis really old traditional 豆沙饼 shop...Ben actually treated us to the 豆沙饼 b4 last week but I din noe tt it was from a 老招牌店! e shop is really vintage...u can see the ppl kneading e dough, baking the pastry right at e looks juz like a scene from an old hong kong movie...& the 豆沙饼 is damn nice! super crispy! I couldn't resist it & bought 10 home! Hehe... =p
After work since BFG nt meeting tonite, I din wanna go home so early so I walked to e bus stop & juz took e first bus tt came boarded 162 & b4 I noe it...was on my way to bugis =)
Well, after tt I decided to go to chinatown & took 190...went to the newly renovated food centre there...OMG! It is damn nice & huge now! Super lots of different hawker food! All cheap too! I wanted to see if the really nice old Chee Cheong Fun stall is still ard...I only saw a stall selling similar types of Chee Cheong Fun but I had my e auntie selling is not e same auntie tt I knew..hmm...I concluded tt it is a 'fake' I nv patronise it! Hehe...ate a Nonya 宗 instead...din get to eat one during 端午节...making up for it
Beautiful Orchids along the overhead bridge...
我真的好喜欢,好喜欢牛车水。。。多么希望它能永远保持它独特的面貌。。。但是我知道。。。as time passes, things change, people change。。。虽然人与事物会一直改变。。。但我相信我们对它们的回忆。。。却是永恒的。。。
I will be back!!! Wait for me Chinatown!!! (^^,)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Rain Rain go away...
从前每当下雨时,心情总会有一点忧郁。雨对我而言,总是代表着蓝色,沉淀着一点悲伤。但当我一个人坐在巴士上,望着窗外的绵绵细雨时,又突然觉得这世上应该会有人看到雨时, 是感到愉快, 甚至温暖的。其实雨真正的意义并不重要,重要的是人自己的心情。任何的人与事物, 真正的用意也不重要,重要的是你如何看待它。
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Weird Gathering...
Why I call dis a weird gathering is bcoz all five of us dun really noe each other at e same time...wad does dis mean? E actuarist & dou dou are actually my CHS classmates for 4 yrs...crazy woman & mama are my project grpmates from yr 2 sem1...finally all four of them actually noe each other as they were from e same hall(plus hall activities) meaning tt we all noe each other in a loop but we did not get acquainted for e same reason nor at e same time...interesting rite?
Dis is e first time I'm having dis kind of gathering...frens who noe each other in a loop get we really enjoyed each other's company in e first place for dis gathering to work =) It was crazy woman's brainchild & I juz went along with her...turns out to be great! So u ppl out there who r involved in such 三角关系, should try meeting each other juz like wad we did!'ll be tonnes of multiplied fun! (^^,)
For this to work, u guys better get along well first...or haf sum1 as humorous as me inside..hehe
Monday, June 9, 2008
想象。。。你们是一对相爱的恋人. 有一天, 你失去了一切, 面对着艰难和不被肯定的未来, 你会选择和她分手吗?尽管她说她不怕吃苦, 只要能和你在一起, 她什么都愿意承受, 你会忍心吗?就算你明白她是真心爱你, 但你会选择将她推开, 狠下心的让她忘了你, 只因为你没有信心能让她幸福. 有些人会觉得说你应该努力向上, 尽权全力给她幸福, 而不是逃避. 而我则认为这是过于单纯的想法, 是不切实际的.
"只要你幸福,我不在乎牵你手的不是我"。。。这句话听起来好像很伟大, 但其实也有可能是没有勇气面对自己真心的人的方便借口. 当我没有信心能让你幸福时, 我就能轻易的用这样的话来安慰自己, 让自己好过些. 但当我知道你不愉快, 知道你流泪时, 我的心又会不由自主的痛了起来.
面对着最爱你的人和你最爱的人, 你又会选择谁呢?
P/S: Watched an episode of Pushing Daisies juz nw...I liked it...e show's style of presentation reminds me of Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events...I juz might keep on watching it every sunday...wad if u r unable to touch e one u love, for e rest of ur life? >_<
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thank God Its Friday!!! looking at this pic...can u guess how big is this megatron figure? Looks pretty normal-sized rite? Then u r wrong! Look again!
Besides getting e mini Megatron today...I oso bought something else...from e really cool & cheap Transformers shop I found at Excelsior Shopping Centre(super ulu place)
OMG! Can u believe it? I found e LEGENDARY NIKE Transformers! Wahaha! Transformers whose alternate mode is actually a NIKE Free7.0 shoes! It was only available in Japan! Saw them on TV last yr...but nv seen them appear in SG b4...I bought all three of them but I only placed a deposit first...collecting them 2 weeks later...Cant wait! (^^,)
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Transformers Day!

Ok! tts e end of my Transformers update! Sry if I bored u ppl with my toys but I really adore them! Wahaha! Till next time! (^^,)