Wahaha! Today after work, I went to woodlands mrt to collect my Premiun JAZZ Movie version! Isn't it cool? OMG! I love the paintwork! Too bad I am not gonna remove it from its packaging...so I will never get to transform it...lol...but wad e heck, its damn nice! =)
The super cute transformers that u see now is oso another of my new collections! They are called Choro-Q Transformers! With pull-back action! (Those who dun understand wad is pull-back action...pls find a little kid & ask =p) Aren't they cute! Act I still haven receive e Optimus prime for this set yet but I just made e payment yest...I should be getting it these few days! Cant wait!
Look! Its Softimus Prime! LOL...e name vv funny rite? I found dis transformers plush toy while browsing e net! So cute rite? E amazing thing is...It can really transform! How I wish I had dis plush toy when I was small! Its only available in e US though...hmm...
And this is
Slumble Bee! Haha...oso vv cute rite? They r serious contenders for my next buy man!
LOL...wondering whether can get them online not...
Ok! tts e end of my Transformers update! Sry if I bored u ppl with my toys but I really adore them! Wahaha! Till next time! (^^,)
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