Got my first Masterpiece Transformers! G1 Starscream in original anime colour! Got it today at the price of S$75...a real bargain as the average selling price in SG is abt $120-140...Good buy leh! Hehe =p
Yay! I got my NIKE 7.0 Transformers today too! All 3 of them! Wahaha...they are 1:2 scale models of real NIKE Shoes, with real laces to tie! I oso like e fact that they come in NIKE shoes packaging...Cool rite? My most expensive set so far...pls contact me directly if u r curious abt the price...hehe...

Anyway, I went to CMPB today & met Kaijie! My junior from Navy...lol...haven seen him in almost 3 yrs liao...he's still e same...游手好闲, 无所事事...lol...ask him wad he doing now, say he's full time bookie now...for e EURO matches O_o He'll always be lidat lah, dunno how to say him oso...anyway it was great catching up with him, we went to eat Mac's together for lunch...we oso planned to take our IPPT together! Wahaha...dun haf to take IPPT alone liao... =)
Dun feel like myself again today...damn it...Im losing it again...Sometimes I really hate my own character...优柔寡断...难道我又要逃避吗?
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