Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A surprise find at China Square today for me! Its a ONE PIECE 万里晴空号 giftset! I actually saw this before in a shop at Suntec but it was selling in 5 different small candy boxes...the one you see below is a newer, combined giftset which is slightly different! The ship has got a silver/gold chrome bow and stern! Its bit more expensive at $48 but its definitely worth it! =)

There are many different compartments of the ship to play with...

The ultra cute ONE PIECE characters!!!

I'm not gonna assemble or display them yet...not until I get my new glass display cabinet! I can display them together with all my ONE PIECE comics!!! =)

Started my first tuition session today with Zen, Han's little niece...haha...she's gonna be in pri 6 next year so gotta buck up for her PSLE...Zen's quite 乖 & clever, juz tt her vocab a bit weak...she watches tonnes of TV juz like me when I was small...well, I still watch quite a lot of TV now...lol...

Im doing quite a lot of work as a part-time surveyor cum tutor...not much free days left...my whole week is packed now...I've gotta 加油!!! Make my last holidays a real fruitful one! =)

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