Tuesday, June 24, 2008


" 医龙" is super NICEEE!!! Juz finished watching it...hehe...Its a jap medical anime turned drama...something like hong kong's 妙手仁心...but I tink its much, much better! Unlike 妙手仁心, " 医龙" does not focus so much on the character's personal life & relatonships, its more of a fast-paced medical action serial focusing on the 'battles' fought by the team medical dragon...battles against time, battles against the medical system, battles against diseases, battles against evil professors...

On top of that, it is a very touching drama...there were countless scenes when I was so touched by the love of parents, love of doctors portrayed in e show...I didn't feel like crying while watching "一公升眼泪", yet I was close to tears at times while watching " 医龙" ...maybe I am more in touch with my emotions now...compared to b4...which I dun really wan...haizzz...

Anyway, I am gonna start watching " 医龙2" !!! Hehe...interested peeps quickly go crunchyroll watch...b4 it is removed!!! Highly recommended show by BB!

(thkz to Tengz aka pookie intro " 医龙" to me)

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