Thursday, August 7, 2008

yr 3 first day

Went to sch today for my first lesson for this new semester...FINAL YEAR liao!!! So scary...last year of my days as a student...ZZZZ...dis is gonna be a real busy semester again! >_<

Watched "$$$ no enough" at JP after my morning lecture...its not a bad show...but not funny enuff leh...mostly toking abt kinship...which was really touching...Haizzz...see e old ah ma in e show, such a burden to her sad...getting old is so scary...i suddenly wished I'll nv get =)

Went back to sch after e show for my elective rite? Watch finish movie still nd go back sch for lesson...haizzz...but apparently it was a good decision...I anyhow add dis project-based elective(actually its bcoz of Lynn e pig) e end realised tt got a lot of ppl I noe oso taking dis module...saw Elton, Klein, Shujun, Yingfeng & few other ppl I noe from past classes...e lesson is interesting enuff...but tink it will be quite xiong...after all, its 4AU for 7 weeks of work...

How come so many ppl jump off from a plane b4 nowadays ah? Got like 5 ppl in my elective class tried skydiving b4...I oso wan jump off a plane!!! With a parachute of extra big =p

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