Thursday, July 17, 2008

2008 TIME 100 Most Influential People

Ok...I was damn bored in office today when I came across this list...the title is pretty are some of people who left an impression on me...Btw, KAKA is the only footballer in e list! GOAL! =)

Jeff Han - "Multi-touch-sensing was designed to allow nontechies to do masterful things while allowing power users to be even more virtuosic"
Ok, u geeks out there who r wondering how u were able to stretch ur image files with ur fingers on ur Ipod or Iphone...Jeff's e man...he's e genius research engineer who came up with the multi touch of the few asians on e list...

Harold McGee - Author of the book "On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen"
He's e reason why we would know why eggs, meat, water, sugar and countless other ingredients do the things they do in cooking...he's e first chef/chemist who investigated and wrote abt the science of cooking! Awesome! I'm so gonna buy his book!

Dr. Peter Pronovost- May have saved more lives than any laboratory scientist in the past decade by relying on a wonderfully simple tool: a checklist. More than 1,500 lives were saved in the first 18 months.
A doctor who came up with a simple way to reduce mortality rates in the use of a simple checklist...these few lines I wrote dun do him justice at all...go read... =)

Mark Zuckerberg - Creator of Facebook, youngest dude on e list...nd i say more?
Working from his dorm room at Harvard in 2004, Zuckerberg launched Facebook as a campuswide system and later expanded it to other colleges. The site exploded nationally and globally, and with that came tens of millions of dollars from investors, buyout offers from Yahoo! and Viacom, and a worldwide community of Facebook users.

Isaac Berzin - Algae: they double their mass in a few hours, produce 30 times as much oil per acre as sunflowers do and thrive in sewage or brackish water. Most importantly, they devour carbon dioxide, the primary culprit in global warming.
He is trying to commercialise algae as a crop, which may one day provide us with a way out of our dependency on fossil fuels and the climatological mess they're making...Hooray! Oil prices go way down! Algae prices shoot skyhigh! Dun clean tt algae-filled fish tank at home...its valuable crop!

With regards to SK's blog...I tink dis list would be a gd test of ur general it covers major sports icons to well-known stock brokers...pretty wide range of disciplines...u can read through & see how many ppl u can recognise...well for me, I know only abt 30-40% of e ppl in list...pretty =p

P/S: Btw, Anwar is oso in the its not for his 'influential' sodomising skills...haha =p

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